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A Hidden Powerhouse

The fruit of the spirit called meekness and gentleness might be considered the underdogs but they definitely are a necessary part for a complete representation of God in this earth. 

Meekness does not mean weakness.  It's a humble heart that has a teachable spirit. This is a necessary skill to continue to become more like God. 

Jesus was our example as he humbled himself and gave his life even when he could have changed his mind. 

The meek shall inherit the earth; those that produce this fruit become the ones that God can trust with his creation. 

Gentleness is moving within your ability with precision.  God is giving us power and gentleness is the ability to apply that strength and power with a delicate touch that allows for the nurturing that is needed. 

In Philippians it says let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near. 

This is a demonstration of God in the flesh. 

Gentleness = A long-term answer with long-term results. 

Anger or force = A short-term answer with short-term results and long-term side effects. 

Manipulation = A short-term answer that will require repeat applications to achieve results. 

Gentleness and meekness is a hidden powerhouse in the fruit of the spirit of God. 

In this redefining what stood out to you about meekness?

In this redefining what stood out to you about gentleness? 

What part of the word came alive to you this week?

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Unknown member
Sep 26

In this redefining what stood out to you about meekness? There was So many things that stood out.

There were So many things that stood out…

** “Head below your heart”

**Forbearance and Kindness without bitterness.

Having humility…willingness to learn, and having strength under control. When we are in submission to God and His will, there is no toiling.

**Jesus really showed that we could have meekness and the other fruits of the Spirit. HE had the choice Not to do it, but he chose to go to the cross. 💕

In this redefining what stood out to you about gentleness? 

**Moving within our ability with precision.

**Knowing the strength that we have, but only using it in the way…


Unknown member
Sep 25

Thank you Pastor for washing out the wrong definitions of the things of God, the fruit of His Spirit, that I've had in my mind. Speaking as one who has to fight at times to put his head below his heart!

In this redefining what stood out to you about meekness?

Meekness is strength under control. It's controlled strength to used with wisdom and humility and direction from God. It's the ability to fulfill the creative, hard, and narrowing purpose God has for us.

In this redefining what stood out to you about gentleness?

Gentleness is moving within our ability with precision. When were at our “max ability” we’re not able to control what we do very well. Gentleness may…


Unknown member
Sep 25

In this redefining what stood out to you about meekness?

"Head below your heart", that statement, and that meekness is the willingness to be humble and to learn. Those who are willing to be in that state will inherit the earth.

In this redefining what stood out to you about gentleness? 

Moving with precision. Knowing the strength you hold, but using it in the way that is needed, not just flexed to show what you can do.

What part of the word came alive to you this week?

I love the revelation of how Jesus showed meekness by telling the disciples that he could call down all of heaven to help him, but he knew how to utilize his strength.…

Unknown member
Sep 26
Replying to

Great post Melissa....

Appreciated your answers:

"In this redefining what stood out to you about gentleness? 

Moving with precision. Knowing the strength you hold, but using it in the way that is needed, not just flexed to show what you can do." This is exactly what I meant about being servant leader in our harvest field and at church. Boss is a four letter word at my job because Boss often times flex their muscles to prove their authority instead of serving/leading others. May we all use this new found strength in a way that is needed and not to show off.

What part of the word came alive to you this week?

"I love the revelation of how Jesus…


Unknown member
Sep 25

My love church


Unknown member
Sep 25

Thank you Pastor Aaron for a heartful message on Sunday.

In this redefining what stood out to you about meekness?

Well 2 things stood out to me first is the word redefining witch means to rexamine with a few to change or rethink so over the past year or so I have been rethink things thinking that I was good but what I have came to realize is God has been talking and trying to get me to rethink what I thought was right but I was humbled enough to try and get things right.

Now the other thing that stood out

Is that meekness is a quality of the heart that can bring me a willing to submit to…

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