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"Daily Prayer"

God has been preparing us in different areas of our lives, so we are prepared and ready for Him to Tabernacle with us. This Sunday was no different, God brought another area that we can reflect on and take account if we are "all in."

God was asking if we are "all in" when it comes to Daily Prayer. He really wants to spend time with us and have a one on one conversation with us daily. He wants us to get past the facade and just spend time with Him.

The foundation verse was:

Matthew 6:5-7

“And when you come before God, don’t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for fifteen minutes of fame! Do you think God sits in a box seat? “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace. “


  1. Has your mind changed about daily prayer? If so, how.

  2. How are you going to practically allow this Word to become life in your life?

  3. How and when should you pray?

God has been preparing us for marriage through the messages since Pentecost.

  1. Have you been taking these messages seriously and preparing yourself for the marriage?

  2. Is there anything in the message that stood out to you?

Thank you everyone for allowing this Word to affect your "NOW!".



Unknown member
Sep 17, 2022

Like Rev. Connie said, I think we've always known that Christianity 101 has the element of prayer in it. But abiding in the vine requires a communication relationship that has move to another level. When Ps. Aaron and I were first in a relationship our conversation was more about who we were and our dreams together. But once we starting abiding with one another, being married in the same house, communication shifted from hopes, dreams, and needs to how we work together. It turned to communication about our partnership and relationship. It was about the joint unit we now were instead of us both separate communicating from our own point of view.

This same concept is how I heard this…


Unknown member
Sep 16, 2022

This is a great reminder to revisit and evaluate my communication with God. I definitely have tried the praying continuously concept by just talking to him. If I'm by myself I may speak quietly as I'm walking from one place to another and ask the question or tell him this or that. I find myself commonly doing that when I'm in between or doing another task or doing something menial and I can devote a portion of my brain power to having a conversation you know walking and talking and I think that's a okay thing, it's a good thing. It's a start but the concept of setting aside time where that relationship is my focus is next level. I…

Unknown member
Sep 16, 2022
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These statements stuck out to me in your post:

“It's a start but the concept of setting aside time where that relationship is my focus is next level. It's an upgrade in that investment, a relationship with God.“ “with God I want to be a good listener to him so prayer is as much listening to God as it is telling God things and so my investment time of listening I desire to improve and increase.”

If you don’t invested/give anything in you’ll never receive anything. It feels too easy to expecting something for nothing from God because, we’ll, He’s God. But a one sided relationship is not a relationship- it’s a parasite.


Unknown member
Sep 16, 2022

What a great word Pastor Riley!

Am I letting the word become with my life and what has changed about it. Yes definitely have seen the importance and the honesty a prayer. Thank you for bringing out the Psalms of David. Where he was full and honest no matter if it was good or bad, frustration or positive or even confirmation he had honest communication with God. That's where like my heart had changed in this. But I need to become fully honest with God! How he doesn't want me to bottle things up and pretend but everything is peachy. How and when should you pray? Well I love the explanation for The message Bible that you gave to us.…

Unknown member
Sep 16, 2022
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Great statement Stephanie pretending everything's peachy when it ain't peachy. An honest relationship with God is a real relationship with God and that's where he gets to help, things can be changed and we get to enjoy having a loving God in our life and we're not pretending.


Unknown member
Sep 15, 2022

I so appreciate this one statement Nate.."But giving Him the quiet first fruits of my day is key to me. As simply and honestly as I can." I didn't think about starting our our day with the Lord is prayer as giving him our first fruits but it is. Thank you for that. You're whole paragraph about "serious" is a definite reread again one--you're right normally we think of serious when it is spoken in terms with God as something grim or heavy, and it can absolutely cause, not only you but myself and others, to get all religious and squinty. Although the word serious bring the idea of super important and not to be missed, I am grateful for…


Unknown member
Sep 15, 2022

Great post Nate, many good points, but your very last line sticks out to me the most. Quitting!!! Is not an option. How many times have I wanted to quit my call, and go back to not being a minister, but divorce is not an option. Mindset change!!!

It is a blessing that we can grow off each other, just one little line and it takes the message to another level. Thank you for your post.

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