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Updated: Aug 4, 2022

God is into mastery learning. Learning becomes obvious when we are "doing." We were instructed yesterday to FOCUS on "Abiding in the Vine!" Focus is like a muscle that takes training to get it to become stronger. It's possible when we do things will become Crystal Clear. #multi-taskingisthedevil

Bishop laid the foundation for God's original design last week. It comes from...

Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image (design), in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I look forward to a discussion centered around these things:

1. What does it look like to focus on abiding in the vine?

2. How will you know when you have made the adjustment for His distinct vision?

3. What things for you personally are an enemy to the instruction from God?

4. Why is it important that we, not only obey but master this instruction?

5. Anything else you would like to share, something that stood out, an "aha" moment, etc.

Thank you for contributing to the family business! The check is in the mail!



Unknown member
Aug 09, 2022

1. What does it look like to focus on abiding in the vine?

Distractions from God are things that come in many shapes and sizes and they can have labels of good things: work, ministry, Church.

All these things are not a replacement for God. There's something that we need from our relationship with God so that we can fulfill and have something worth giving to all of these things.

2. How will you know when you have made the adjustment for His distinct vision?

There will be the conception of fruit when you're connected to the vine the fruit has the potential to begin growing and almost immediately there's this little bulb that eventually grows into the fruit.



Unknown member
Aug 09, 2022

Thank you Rev. Connie for this message and getting me refocused on my harvest field instead of everything that is wrong with my field. Things will grow in the right environment even if things surrounding it are out of order such as a weed or a plant growing in the crack of cement. Although the surface and surrounding area is not conducive for growth, the ground underneath the surface is right for the seed to grow. That is what this message helped me refocus on!

Without further adieu here are the answers to your questions:

1. What does it look like to focus on abiding in the vine? For me it is a lifestyle of mediating on His Word day…


Unknown member
Aug 08, 2022

1. What does it look like to focus on abiding in the vine?

It's one life. Abiding in the vine is not a part time occupation. It's not a life split in two between one's spiritual life and one's natural life. It's daily. It's all one thing. Abiding in the vine is an all in experience; you can't be part of your life abiding and the rest doing it's own thing. A branch that isn't fully connected dies. Bishop really has summed it up with Let the Word Become Life In Your Life.

2. How will you know when you have made the adjustment for His distinct vision?

You will know when you have made the adjustment for His distinct…


Unknown member
Aug 06, 2022

1. What does it look like to focus on abiding in the vine?

His words being in you, and you being in Him. This is not just a fly-by relationship, it is a dwelling and learning to become one with the Spirit of God, that same Spirit that Jesus demonstrated. Spending time with Him. Direct time, not distracted time. Letting the core of who we are being fused with Him so that we can't tell where He ends and where we begin. I want there to be a seamless attachment and "oneness" with the vine!

2. How will you know when you have made the adjustment for His distinct vision?

When you realize that it's all "one life" not work…


Unknown member
Aug 05, 2022

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