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Faithfulness The Ability to Fully Trust

Faithfulness is the last but not least fruit of the Spirit in our series.

As we redefine this word in our way of thinking we learned about God's divine persuasion.

Faith is God's warranty. We receive this from God to start the process of us being able to

work with God.

Many times faith can be focused on a result believing God for something instead of pursuing God and believing God.

This inaccurate way of applying faith doesn't produce results. It's something that we work in the flesh and can become frustrating due to no results.

So when we pursue God we find him and then he can affect our faith.

So the new glasses we got allowed us to read his word in a new way of thinking and we found many times that Jesus said your faith has made you whole.

And I think once we have been given by God the Fruit of faith we can then say it's ours we take ownership of it and when it is transferred to us we now have something that God when he looks at us says I can work with that.

Paul saw a man while he was preaching and he saw his faith just while he was sitting there in the congregation.

When we receive God's divine persuasion it will affect us and it'll become visible to those around us that are looking.

What was a new glasses view of Faith that you received?

Contrast the old definition and a new definition of how faith has changed in your mind?

What scripture or story came alive to you?

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Unknown member
3 days ago

What was a new glasses view of Faith that you received?

It like what the message was about, Faith is a FRUIT of the Spirit. The Spirit of God being inside us, brings Faith. The scripture about how Jesus asked his disciples who they say he was, they said Jesus was the Christ (the anointed one). Jesus goes on to tell them that it was the Holy Spirit that showed that to them for them to believe. This portion of scripture played over and over in my mind listening to this message. Because Jesus was very clear 2000 years ago, It is the Spirit of God that brings belief, faith, trust, etc into Who God is. I needed a new…

Unknown member
3 days ago
Replying to

Really like this Andrew, it's something I'll chew on "I know I can get caught up in the tasks God has in front of me, but I'm missing the walk with Him. (I'll bounce back and forth.) But I know this new understanding of Faith is to break those chains of (look what I did), so that I can just focus on the journey with the Father, and not the process."

Seems like we can easily see that no natural relationship works out when we just make it a todo list or a chore. Yet we end up doing that with God at times. Amen to focus on the journey with the Father, and not the process.


Unknown member
5 days ago

What was a new glasses view of Faith that you received? Contrast the old definition and a new definition of how faith has changed in your mind?

"Fully persuaded!" Not trying to make results happen through works. Miracles happened in Jesus' day and many times his statement was "Your faith has made you whole". I have been looking to make things happen in people's lives instead of stirring up faith within them. Stirring up faith happens by hearing the Word, pursuing God, and being fully persuaded.

What scripture or story came alive to you?

My heart nearly exploded when we read the story about the woman who asked for her daughter to be delivered, and Jesus basically told her that…


Unknown member
5 days ago

What was a new glasses view of Faith that you received? &

Contrast the old definition and a new definition of how faith has changed in your mind?

"Results" does not equal faith. We can become results focused, "try really hard" (by our own power) and look right past God (the One who brings real results anyway) to the target we thought we wanted or needed. That really isn't a connection to God. I like how Pastor Aaron put it: as soon as the results happen, they are in the past, but Faith in God leads us to the future. Faith is pursuit of Him instead of just results and yet the thing is, when we pursue relationship with Him,…

Unknown member
4 days ago
Replying to

Great post Nate, so appreciate this, "Results" does not equal faith. We can become results focused, "try really hard" (by our own power) and look right past God (the One who brings real results anyway) to the target we thought we wanted or needed. That really isn't a connection to God. I like how Pastor Aaron put it: as soon as the results happen, they are in the past, but Faith in God leads us to the future" I heard this as well and it occurred to me that I never looked at it that way before. Never thought of results as the past as soon as they happen. God does want a real connection with us--my goodness He has…


Unknown member
5 days ago

Time for a vision check from God

What was a New glasses view of Faith that you received?

Without God's vision, there's indecision with out God's vision my future will be meet with uncertainty and I have a chance to wander through life with no direction and I could be left with out goals, purposes,or meaning of life, in Proverbs 29:18 it says " where there is no vision. The people will perish" wow that kind says it All right there.

Contrast the old definition and a new definition of how faith has changed in your mind?

For me Faith has removed condemnation and judgement. It has given me a deep rooted unshakable belief God will ensure our prayers by…


Unknown member
6 days ago

The best message I heard on faithfulness! Powerful and life changing....

What was a new glasses view of Faith that you received?

Since I wear bifocal glasses in the natural, I felt as though I received a tri-focal lense spiritually through this message on why a few areas of my life I had not received results in. Once I heard the two nuggets "Pursue God not the results" and "The centurion had God's divine persuasion," I felt like a faith volcano erupted inside of me and I saw why I had not experienced results. I was not fully persuaded in the promise of God.

Now I believe God will see my faith and say "your faith hath made you whole!"…

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