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Gift of Different Tongues

His Words in my Mouth

In this message I covered the topic of tongues. I know it took a little longer It's a big topic.  I hope that this helps us, to put to ease those that question tongues, and answers why we may feel as though we have something but yet it doesn't do anything.

It is often imitated but it's never duplicated. 

I remind us this is a gift from God and it demonstrates our connection with the spirit of God. It allows us to talk to him when our words fall short and are full of doubt. 

It allows a place for God to speak into a situation. It's important but it must be real. 

Just as God's words are creative and powerful when we surrender and pray by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit then our words become powerful as well and it begins our communication with the Father It sets us up to speak his words and then to speak his words in our language so that people might hear the wonderful works of God. 

There's a famine of hearing the word and when we speak with a new tongue it breaks the silence of hearing God's words 

I compared this gift to the bit that connects the power from the drill to the fastener that is being installed. Without the bit you can't connect the power You can't turn the screw. 

And just like without the power the bit doesn't really do anything. It can be held in our hand and when we or I try to do it without the power of God it can turn no heart it can change no life. 

But it is strong and when we connect it to the real power of God it can and will change lives. 

I believe this perspective reset ensures that we have a real pure powerful connection to the spirit of God.   Our complete surrender to him sets us up for the rest of the gifts. 

Can you look back in your own life and see the difference of moments when tongues were inspired by God and when it was inspired by our human spirit?

Can you more clearly and accurately see how to use this gift?

Where was the biggest perspective change about tongues and a gift of tongues that you heard?

What part of the word came alive to you?

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Unknown member
3 hours ago

I would like to answer yes to both of the first questions... But the thoughts I go back to throughout this message, are not of me speaking an unknown "tongue" (the language of the angels). I keep thinking about English... English is such a well known language, but few actually understand it. I have had many times past that I thought I was speaking English, but it was foreign to the person I was speaking it to.

Thinking you are in some sort of communication with someone, to find out you are just blowing hot air... Well, it has it's moments.

Do I think we should be able to pray the "language" of the angels with God? Yes! But I…


Unknown member
5 hours ago

Thank you Pastor Aaron for another mindset breaking message that is really causing change to take place in my life and many others.

Can you look back in your own life and see the difference of moments when tongues were inspired by God and when it was inspired by our human spirit? YES! When Pastor Aaron talked about how he could remember some specific times when he prayed in tongues and it was real and how he doesn't remember all the times it wasn't--yep, same here. Sad to say--probably a large percentage of the time for a while, it has been memorized tongues of the flesh and not God.

Can you more clearly and accurately see how to use this…


Unknown member
5 hours ago

Can you look back in your own life and see the difference of moments when tongues were inspired by God and when it was inspired by our human spirit?

Most definitely. Times at church at the altar with laying on of hands and even during worship where a language that I do not know flows out of me. And outside of the 4 walls for stirring up in prayer and worship. And the flip side by my own human spirit. Often when I feel real or perceived pressure to "make it happen". Pastor Aaron has said multiple times about the narrow way... Wanting so much to not get weird with any gift of the Spirit that I lean toward avoiding…


Unknown member
7 hours ago

Thank you Pastor Aaron for this message. Powerful and transformative for those who received the gift and is letting it become life in their life, mine included!

Can you look back in your own life and see the difference of moments when tongues were inspired by God and when it was inspired by our human spirit?


Can you more clearly and accurately see how to use this gift?


Where was the biggest perspective change about tongues and a gift of tongues that you heard?

When I pray in the Spirit, His spirit should consume me which means no earthly thoughts or distractions should be there.

After praying in tongues, what I hear from Him should break the silence…


Unknown member
8 hours ago

Can you look back in your own life and see the difference of moments when tongues were inspired by God and when it was inspired by our human spirit? Yes, I can look back and see a difference in moments when speaking in tongues was me and when it was God inspired. It is a sad thing to say that most of the time it was not God inspired. 

Can you more clearly and accurately see how to use this gift?  This gift is to be used to communicate with the Father. To know what His perfect will in a situation is. Praying in the Spirit to have understanding to speak understandable words from God to the one that needs to hear. 

Where was the…

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