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Hey Hey Hey What You Got to Say

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

We say HEY to get someone's attention. God uses the precision of the letter HEY to symbolize His breath, divine revelation, and resuscitation to bring to life. When He changed Abram and Sari's name He breathed the HEY into them. He said, take all that I am and they went from barren to fruitful. As we repent God adds His Hey, His breath to our situations and we can bear fruit for Him. We can enter into a joy and become fruitful where there has been barrenness and lack.

In Ezekiel 12:21-28 God said, "The days are at hand when every vision will be fulfilled."  He said, "Whatever word I speak, it will be fulfilled without delay."

I mentioned that Grace is the "God-given ability to overcome something." Grace is when God freely extends Himself to give Himself away to people. We need to understand that He is always leaning in toward us. He is leaning in with Grace and Provision to the Associations of Five that I mentioned: (Five Blessings of Abraham, Five Books, Five Offerings, Five Stones, Five Loaves of Bread, Fie Virgins, and the Five Talents).

We were enlightened about the Fifth. We know they are thought of as forms of judgement, but to us he used them as a warning for some and insight for others about what judgement looked like this year.

  • FIFTH CHURCH - Sardis Church - danger of spiritual death,

  • FIFTH SEAL - The Cry of the Martyrs - justice,

  • FIFTH ANGEL – Plague of Torment, fruitful trees for the Kingdom spared,

  • FIFTH BOWL: Darkness and Pain, on rebellion against God,

  • FIFTH PLAGUE: Livestock - investments in stock questionable, either He will tell you to move them or protect them.

We were entertained by the different uses for windows and the fact that some people need help seeing even though they are transparent. Most importantly, people don't always "look" unless they are expecting something or someone. God told us that we should be able to "SEE THROUGH IT" and also "SEE IT THROUGH" this year.

Then He said, "Don't Fear the Reaper!" Don't fear the process of reaping. As I look back over the weekend, I see that there are many more things we could talk about. Here are a few things we can discuss this week:

  1. What do you need God to add His Hey to?

  2. What are you going to be looking for this year?

  3. What will you be "seeing through?"

  4. All in all, what is your new reality?

Thanks for your time! I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!!

Rev. Connie

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Unknown member
Oct 11, 2024

What do you need God to add His Hey to?

Obviously my mind... The thoughts that tell me, "I am not good enough." Just because other people's lives seem to be good (on the outside), doesn't actually mean they are doing good at all. I have kept my mouth shut in a lot of situations because others around me have made themselves seem so much better than me because they have a nice car to drive or a nice house. But as time has been moving on I have realized that just because they have nice things doesn't mean it is good. Usually they are in debt up to their eyeballs because of those nice things. And something the Lord…


Unknown member
Oct 11, 2024
  1. What do you need God to add His Hey to?

I need Him to breathe new breath into me. He has shown me many HEYs (wake-up calls) and I need his breath in me to proceed and keep moving forward. (especially when I do to sleep lol) 

  1. We don't always see unless we're looking and we dont always look unless were expecting someone or something. What are you going to be looking for this year?

I’m going to be looking for opportunities to “make up” from missed opportunities I had last year. 

  1. What will you be "seeing through "this year?

I love what Mrs. Sue said, my desire to "see through" peoples fake facades or those things they put in…


Unknown member
Oct 10, 2024

What do you need God to add His Hey to?

-my tongue... So what He wants said will flow clearly and freely - which also means my mind needs His Hey.

I want to be someone God can use without the fumbles of my tongue when I get in my head that confuse people.

We don't always see unless we're looking and we dont always look unless were expecting someone or something. What are you going to be looking for this year?

-change - a change in those that have known me pre-BAM and now. Those who I've been interceding for and have been talking to. I'm looking, watching for a change from all the skepticism and the I'm never…

Unknown member
Oct 11, 2024
Replying to

Great post Sheri! I love what you are "looking for", "-change - a change in those that have known me pre-BAM and now. Those who I've been interceding for and have been talking to. I'm looking, watching for a change from all the skepticism and the I'm never going to see God that way-to--change of wonder, pondering - that says they're nibbling but I can't pull too quickly or too hard (my own way-pushy, wrong words, timing) I may lose them... I will definitely need His Hey!

I also need to see if they're are the one being "hooked" and when they may just be yanking my "pole" (chain😜)". We ALL ought to be looking to see change in those…


Unknown member
Oct 09, 2024

What do you need God to add His Hey to? This year I need God to add His Hey to a couple of things. One would be hearing for those around me. I have said before I had a harvest field added that I wasn't expecting. I need God's divine breath to hear and know how to minister to those people. I really, really do! Another being clarity on some decisions that have to be made within our home and life this year.

We don't always see unless we're looking and we don't always look unless we were expecting someone or something. What Are you going to be looking for this year? This year I am going to be looking…


Unknown member
Oct 09, 2024

1. What do you need God to add His Hey to?

My call, passion for my call, then it being used by Him to breathe through it to reach the people He placed me in the midst of, making it fruitful. And I will say, He already started adding His Hey at Trumpets! In a way, I heard Him say again "HEY, let the call define you and not the other way round!"

2. We don't always see unless we're looking and we don't always look unless were expecting someone or something. What are you going to be looking for this year?

Looking for fish, fishing... A couple gifts and prophecies from Prophet Connie have been about fishing... Rabbi at…

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