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I Am A Christian - What does that mean to them?

If you are reading this blog, I am 99.999% sure that you would say "I am a Christian" and there is a strong emotional attachment to you identifying that you are Christian. However, that four word sentence can mean something totally different when/if you say it aloud to someone. "I am a Christian" can cause all sorts of emotions to those who hear it. It may not bring them as much comfort, peace, strength, etc that it does to you. It may bring hurt, pain, a view of weakness in you and so on because of other "Christians" and the church who caused them to feel those emotions.

The picture above probably represents most of "Christians" quiet time with God. Once the coffee cup is empty, they are done reading, leave their seat, and then do nothing with their "Christianity" that causes others to have an encounter with God. They read for knowledge and a "sticky star" on their "religious" check list and go about their day thinking nothing about others except themselves. When the storms of life happens to others around them, they have no answer to give to those who are enduring the storm. A powerless gospel that has no relationship of God in it.

With the above "relationship," we are going to bring corrupt fruit, Matthew 7:17-29. The world has picked up on this same principle and know "Christians" by their fruit. The world wants nothing to do with natural corrupt fruit, they definitely do not want spiritually corrupt fruit or drink from a corrupt spring. God is now saying we must become trees that bring forth good fruit and wells that provide living water. This fruit and living water is a lifestyle demonstrating the wisdom and the kingdom of God that wins souls and others identify that person as a Christian.

People need to have confidence in those who identify themselves as Christians, according to Proverbs 8:32-36, who seeing and hearing God on a daily basis. We need to stop being an unfaithful Christian according to Proverbs 23:19-26. If you are calling yourself a Christian, and people do not have the confidence of God in you, please examine yourself quickly and ask why not? Their eternity could depend on it!

Questions to discuss:

1) What does the phrase "I am a Christian" mean to you since this message?

2) What does Romans 1:16 mean to you after hearing this message?

3) What were some of your aha moments of this message that caused this Word to become life in your life?

I am a Christian!

Rev. Ryan Welker

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Unknown member
Aug 04, 2023

1) What does the phrase "I am a Christian" mean to you since this message?

My response to the pressures of life will declare what kingdom I am in. Christianity is verified by the fruit or evidence in my Life.

2) What does Romans 1:16 mean to you after hearing this message?

The gospel of Christ is something I am not ashamed of. It is the power of God unto salvation.

The throne of God is a far-off country to a thirsty soul. The unsaved cannot see the kingdom of God therefore I must be a demonstration for them to believe so that they might be saved.

3) What were some of your aha moments of this message…


Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023

Simply a GRRRRRRRRREAT Word and well put together and well delivered !!

1) What does the phrase "I am a Christian" mean to you since this message? Well I know what I have thought when other people say "I am a Christian," Truth is, I never say "I'm a Christian." However, I use other words that may create the same results like, "I know the Healer", or "I'm asking the Lord about that", or etc. Post message, I have to simply do the works of Christ! PERIOD! I have to have the wisdom of God! PERIOD! I have to have real answers for the issues people deal with and they have to know I have real answers! PERIOD! I hav…

Unknown member
Aug 04, 2023
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We are so lucky to have such strong anointed. Men and women who are obedient to God and like elder christy said she listened to Rev Ryan sermon a few times I have gone back to it like 4 or 5 times the more I go back and listen something more comes to me in new ways Bam has some of the best evangelists team in the area and I am blessed to witness it on Sundays and Wednesday for prayer and what amazing fruit will be harvested from it thanks again to bishop for not going with other churches that don't let the word become life in their lives but just go with the masses so they don't ge…


Unknown member
Aug 02, 2023

1) What does the phrase "I am a Christian" mean to you since this message?

Since the message I’ve really clung to the phrase “Living a lifestyle reflective of the wisdom of God.” And really what is wisdom if not applied truth. Which really made me stop and ask myself “am I a reflection of the truth that sets men free?” You can’t be a reflection of something if it’s not a visible trait, if it’s not apparent. Nathan and I tell our sons frequently that if you have to tell someone your something you usually aren’t; if you really are that thing they can tell without you saying so.” Now that’s not to say that we should be ashamed…

Unknown member
Aug 03, 2023
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Outstanding post Amanda that brought me to tears in my "church's" lunch room as I was reading this.

1) "Since the message I’ve really clung to the phrase “Living a lifestyle reflective of the wisdom of God.” And really what is wisdom if not applied truth. Which really made me stop and ask myself “am I a reflection of the truth that sets men free?” You can’t be a reflection of something if it’s not a visible trait, if it’s not apparent." -Exactly! If we are not living a lifestyle or saying words reflective of the wisdom of God to people, why would they want to follow us to church or disciple them.

2) "The other aspect of the newness…


Unknown member
Aug 02, 2023

What does the phrase “I am a Christian” mean to you since this message? This message caused me to do an evaluation of my walk with God. How do people see me? Do they see an example of the power of God working in my life? In some cases, I can say yes, in others I know that they have not seen God working as they should be able to. Where does the fault in that lie, with me. Repentance has taken place and I go forward from here.

What does Romans 1:16 mean to you after hearing this message? It is not just about salvation, which is a most wonderful thing. It is what powers us. It is what…

Unknown member
Aug 04, 2023
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(The Gospel) “It is not just about salvation, which is a most wonderful thing. It is what powers us.” I will be chewing on that! It is what powers us… causes us to move to action, to speak, to live, to pursue, to want others to experience…

Thanks for that insight


Unknown member
Aug 01, 2023

This was one of the best messages I have ever heard you preach Rev. Ryan! WOW! I've already listened to it a second time and plan to again. I have never really considered what someone else thinks if I were to say, "I am a Christian". I know what I have thought when I have heard others say it and I wouldn't have thought they were at all. It just goes to show how easy we can pass it off on others and not evaluate ourselves; so thank you.

1) What does the phrase "I am a Christian" mean to you since this message?

Rev. Ryan made a statement, "Our job as a Christian isn't just to be saved but…

Unknown member
Aug 04, 2023
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Elder Christy,

Your aha about what others think when they hear “I am a Christian” really got me. Particularly your statement of “What have I been trying to feed people with?” That statement truly made me pause. How many times have I at the end of the day evaluated and said that sure someone came and ate of what I offered, but was what I gave them God or just something good enough.

I really appreciate your post!

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