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To Fear or Not To Fear?

The Bible Present an Interesting Dichotomy About Fear.

Seventy-five scriptures tell us to "Fear Not"

Fifty-three scriptures tell us to "Fear The Lord"

There are many Hebrew and Greek words for fear that help us to understand that some fear is a God-infused safety factor, while other fear paralyzes an individual to the point of holding them captive.

In almost every case where people are told not to be afraid, the phrase comes with a clause: "For I Am With You"


  1. Which of the 25 common fears has affected you?

  2. What did you learn from Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous quote about fear?

  3. What are some of the benefits of the Fear of The Lord?

  4. How will you begin to practically apply the Fear of the Lord in your life?

Looking forward to our discussion

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

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35 Kommentare

Unknown member
6 days ago

As always, what a Great message! Thank you so much for bringing awareness to all of us.

  1. Which of the 25 common fears has affected you? Public speaking and fear of abandonment

2. What are some of the benefits of the Fear of The Lord?

    By fearing the Lord, HE becomes more attracted to us, and we receive wisdom, it turns away evil.

3. How will you begin to practically apply the Fear of the Lord in your life?

Becoming even more mindful of what I am attracting into my life through my actions and words. Asking myself if I am placing more faith in fear of my circumstances, or fear in the Lord which brings about wisdom…

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Unknown member
09. Sept.
  1. Which of the 25 common fears has affected you?

Fear of what people might think about what I have to say. Earlier this year, Rev. Connie Asked me to stop talking for 30 days. (I simplified that.) Over the last year, I found how "freeing" it was not to tell anyone what I thought or what was going on because I didn't have to deal with doubt from others or deal with their thoughts towards actions or situations I was in.

What I actually found out from this message is, when we allow fear to control us, we are being able to really grow in the things of the Lord. The Fear of the Lord allows us to grow and…

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Unknown member
05. Sept.

Which of the 25 common fears has affected you?

🕷️Spiders, and boy did that fear attract them 😬🙄😜

Public speaking, talking to people, rejection from people... You could just say people 😬😜


What did you learn from Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous quote about fear?

The wrong kind of fear causes you to be frozen, to hide, or to run away... Never advancing to victory

What are some of the benefits of the Fear of The Lord?

The beginning of knowledge, departing from evil - walk and talk in His ways - it will be health and strength to you

How will you begin to practically apply the Fear of the Lord in your life?

Be aware... What is get…

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Unknown member
05. Sept.
Antwort an

I love that imagery: "...yes, I run but not out of fear of the "it" but back to where He intended me to be..." It's so common to associate fear with running, running away, but as you said, Fear/awe/respect of the Lord causing us to run to Him so He can work in and with us! love it

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Unknown member
05. Sept.
  • Which of the 25 common fears has affected you?

Fear of failure, Fear of abandonment, fear of public speaking, Anxiety

  • What did you learn from Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous quote about fear?

Bishop made a statement closer to the end of his message saying something along the lines of, “At the end of it all you will fear something. Might as well fear the right thing.’

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” 

  • What are some of the benefits of the Fear of The Lord?

Last night I talked to the toddlers about Fear of the Lord and asked them who they thought had the Fear of the Lord. We came up with 5 people in the…

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Unknown member
05. Sept.
Antwort an

Great post Montana. Thank you for training up the next generation. I loved your statement that you made to them "I told them that if Daniel, Moses, David, Noah, and Jesus, and many others in the Bible wouldn’t have Feared the Lord they wouldn’t have been able to do what they did. They had to Fear the Lord to succeed in what they did."

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Unknown member
05. Sept.

Which of the 25 common fears has affected you?

The fear that affected me for the longest time was the fear of demons because I didn't know that we had the power to rebuke them.

What did you learn from Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous quote about fear?

I learned that fear hinders growth and causes you to go backwards in what your doing instead of forwards.

What are some of the benefits of the Fear of The Lord?

Some of the benefits of the fear of the Lord is you attract Him and you have sense.

How will you begin to practically apply the Fear of the Lord in your life?

How I will to begin to practically apply the…

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Unknown member
05. Sept.
Antwort an

Love this, I want to not just attract Him BUT... WANT HIM TO STAY!!!

"making Him a place where He wants to stay after He is attracted."

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