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Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

If you want to make friends, then you must first be friendly to others.

The definition of friend and friendly in Hebrew means to be an associate, companion, and keep company with the intent of making their life better.

We find in the scripture that wealth makes friends. Wealth means not only money but also being ready with ability, substance, and help from a pure heart.

To be friendly, we need grace in our speech and on our lips.


The well-known scripture “Give, and it shall be given” also applies to making friends. The words, gifts, and help will return to you with the same measure you give.


We also talked about what kind of ground you are giving to, or in other words, what kind of people you are trying to be friends with. Has it only become a one-sided relationship?



1.     Why do you need to make friends outside of your family?


2.     Have you experienced one-sided friendships?


3.     How has this message helped you to make new friends?


4.     What was your “aha” moment in the message?

Looking Forward to Our Discussion

In His Service, Bishop Bill

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٥ تعليقات

عضو غير معروف
28 minutes ago

Why do you need to make friends outside of your family?

If we continue to focus on our family then I wonder if that's in away focusing on our selves. We have the choice that God gives our family. For what ever reason I choose to put my focus and friendship on the father. And they choose what they choose. To be honest I have a very small family all that's left is my sister niece and nephew. I have aunt's and uncle's and cousins but Even going back to childhood it was mainly just my mom brother and sister and grand parents. But I have had many friends that I felt more close to then my own family. I…


عضو غير معروف
5 hours ago
  1. Why do you need to make friends outside of your family?

    The natural family is not always for you when it comes to God nor may support you in your pursuit of the call of God on your life. I experienced it. I learned I can be friendly to my family but when it comes to support the call of God on my life. I turned to the family of God for those friends in the Body of Christ that will cause me to fulfill the call of God on my life.

    We will never witness or be a demonstration to the world if we stay in the family mountain.

2.     Have you experienced one-sided friendships?

  Of course I do.…


عضو غير معروف
6 hours ago

Who knew a series on "friends" would be so important for evangelism? Apparently God did--thank you Bishop for hearing the heart of the Father to help us see beyond where we have in this area of evangelism and seeing people with fresh eyes.

Why do you need to make friends outside of your family? Family is rarely ever going to be a friend back and honestly the world is so much bigger than family. There are so many people out there who need a friend, someone to keep company with them with the intent on making their life better. We can be a demonstration of God by being a friend to people. This is so opposite of how the religious…


عضو غير معروف
14 hours ago

Everybody has trials and temptations ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh everybody knows heart break isolation burden down friend Jesus deserves know what got fear sorry matt Maher east west


عضو غير معروف
16 hours ago

I love my church

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