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Overcoming Occupational Hazards - Being Greater Love

God has an answer to every "what if, but I can't, I tried that, what if they, or I am not good enough" excuse, aka Occupational Hazards, the devil uses to paralyze us from doing what God told us to do when it comes to evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. The devil knows if we overcome these occupational hazards there is nothing we will not do for the kingdom of God to touch and change a soul for eternity.

Jesus' explanation of Him being the True Vine and God being the Husbandmen, John 15:1 -17, is the answer. Jesus said He was the True Vine. The definition of true is powerful:

that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the

real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect corresponding to

the idea signified by the name, real, true genuine

1a) opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended 1b) it contrasts realities with their semblances 1c) opposite to what is imperfect defective.

Jesus was and still is the True Representation of what our life should be like when we are connected to God. Through this connection Jesus could produce good fruit, God's demonstration of preaching the Gospel, and says when we are connected to the same vine, we can and will do the same. One of the definitions of fruit here is:

"discourse of those who by their labors (aka occupation) have fitted souls to obtain eternal life"

In John 15: 4- 5 Jesus said "Without me ye can do nothing." Without Jesus being connected to the Father, He could not nothing. Jesus told us that without being connected to the vine, we will not produce fruit because we will be connected to the lie of the occupational hazard. When we are connected that life, that is the fruit we will produce. When we produce Godly fruit, His joy will remain in us and will be full, verse 11. Sounds like a win win for us when we overcome occupational hazards.

The solution to overcoming Occupational Hazards is found in John 15: 12 - 16. I would encourage you to reread it and let it become life in Your life.

Questions to discuss this week:

1) What are the occupational hazards that you identified in your life that You need this Vine of Friendship in your life that Jesus had with God to overcome?

2) What happens to your fruit when you remove yourself from the vine?

3) Do you have His joy remaining and full in you when it comes to evangelism, aka fitting souls to obtain eternal life? If so, why? If not, why not?

4) What were some aha moments from this message that you are letting become life in your life?

Being Greater love,

Rev. Ryan Welker



Unknown member
2 days ago

What are the occupational hazards that you identified in your life that You need this Vine of Friendship in your life that Jesus had with God to overcome?

-self, fear of saying /praying without a demonstration of God's Power that it causes them to reject God 😐

-getting stuck in just talking what everyone else is talking about, without sharing my God, my Friend, the One that can give Joy in any circumstance.

What happens to your fruit when you remove yourself from the vine?

-it will wither and die... there are souls dying for me/us to stay connected.

-you will fall for other "truths"

Do you have His joy remaining and full in you when it comes to evangelism,…

Unknown member
2 days ago
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Great Post Sheri.

Your answer to question #1 is where most Christians are at. However, you got the answer to overcoming those occupational hazards and are becoming an integral part of the greatest evangelistic team in the region!!!!!!!

Great aha moment however I am going to change a we to Sheri! : -SHERI was made to be connected - So Stay Connected!!!!!!!

Remember. Look at YOUR tree and see how far it has grown!!!!!!!!!!! Keep growing by staying connected to the vine.

Now go and bear much fruit!


Unknown member
3 days ago

1) What are the occupational hazards that you identified in your life that You need this Vine of Friendship in your life that Jesus had with God to overcome?

What if nothing happens or I'm wrong.  Have to be connected to the vine to have confidence and trust in what God is asking me to do. 

2) What happens to your fruit when you remove yourself from the vine?

When you're disconnected from the vine you have no source, things dry up and you feel distant and separated from God so we have to stay connected to stay alive.

3) Do you have His joy remaining and full in you when it comes to evangelism, aka fitting souls to obtain…

Unknown member
2 days ago
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Great Post Pastor Aaron:

Thank you for seeing the occupational hazards that most of us get entangled in. Your statement is one that I have found to be true in my life: "Have to be connected to the vine to have confidence and trust in what God is asking me to do. "

Your aha moments summed up the message:

"Because I'm connected to the vine I'm sure of the result.  A vine friendship with God produces." -- These could be sticky notes people put on the mirror that they look at every day as a reminder to stay connected. Well said!

Now go and bear much fruit!


Unknown member
3 days ago

Great message Rev Ryan!

1) What are the occupational hazards that you identified in your life that You need this Vine of Friendship in your life that Jesus had with God to overcome? A big one I have been overcoming is annoyances. When Rev Ryan brought out about people annoying him and having to remember the reason he is at his workplace church is for them--I almost laughed out loud because that is where I had been too. When I recognized it I repented and had to get back in connection with the Vine for the people I was feeling annoyed at and I was changed and am changed because of it. The other one is really knowing the voice…

Unknown member
2 days ago
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Great post Elder Christy.. Your answer to #3 is why I was so excited to hear your powerful prayer on Wednesday night! Thank you for the testimony and demonstration of being connected to the vine outside the four walls of church!

"3) Do you have His joy remaining and full in you when it comes to evangelism, aka fitting souls to obtain eternal life? If so, why? If not, why not? Oh man, I absolutely have joy! I had been praying and asking the Lord for something for someone for a couple of weeks--one of those people that were annoying me but I got my heart right about---and last week He gave me something for her. I knew it was Him…


Unknown member
4 days ago

1) What are the occupational hazards that you identified in your life that You need this Vine of Friendship in your life that Jesus had with God to overcome?

The "what if I can't" and "I don't think I'm good enough". Tricky pride-in-disguise. I really heard John 15:16 when you brought it out this time: "You did not choose Me... I chose you..." Thank you.

2) What happens to your fruit when you remove yourself from the vine?

Whatever I have that is from God will wither and die without God. His fruit produced and sustained in my life will only remain and thrive when connected to Him. Whatever life I am meant to reach out and connect and give…

Unknown member
2 days ago
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Great post Rabbi Nate. Enjoyed your prayer Wednesday night as well.

Thank you for hearing " really heard John 15:16 when you brought it out this time: "You did not choose Me... I chose you..." -- Once we get it, our life will get focused on what He can do not what we "can't" do!

Powerful aha nugget:

"When my vocabulary is about "all the things I'm going through" or "everything I have to deal with" that is the voice of an occupational hazard. If I'm speaking that, it means I'm caught in the hazard. Selfish and toiling and unfruitful. Will never move past it to help someone else if I stay entangled in it." -- This is great fruit check…


Unknown member
5 days ago

Bring your tired And bring your shame bring your guilt and bring pain don't you. Know that not your name you will always be much more to me with the voices that keep telling meI,m not Alright cause I hear a voice and he call me love him MercyMe

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