In Genesis we read where Adam and Eve were hiding from God in the cool of the day when they heard His voice. The good news is we have a Redeemer who has paid the price so that our sin, that would cause us to want to hide from God, have been forgiven. We can now be in the presence of God without fear.
In Luke we hear the story where Mary and Martha invited Jesus over to their house. Mary sat at Jesus's feet but Martha was busy serving and missed the opportunity to simply be with Jesus. Serving is important but there are moments where being in the presence of God is the better thing.
In Luke chapter 11, it goes on and talks where the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. He gave an example about the man who comes at midnight knocking and asking for bread. The powerful point is that he wasn't asking for himself, he wanted to have something to give. In this parable we are going to the Father asking for someone else, saying: “I want to have something to give them.” The parable goes on to say that neighbor doesn't answer because he knows or prefer the neighbor knock, but he answers because of the man’s persistent.
In the story of Gideon it talks of how only those who brought the water to their mouth, who had no fear, were those that God could use to bring victory. They were aware of their surroundings, they were on the lookout for one another, and God had already caused the enemy to believe that they would be defeated.
So in this season as we persistently seek the face of God for the needs of others and our own. The Word says that we would find, and God will answer.
Let’s discuss!
What portion of the word came alive to you from this message?
Distracted serving... How can you balance serving and listening to the voice of God in your relationship and walk with him?
What is your perspective this year in your approach to Purim?
How is compassion rising up inside of you in your search for bread for others?
What portion of the word came alive to you from this message? Those that drank at the water were not distracted. They did as they needed and served yet they were still aware. Those were chosen to move forward and get the victory by God for the people.
Distracted serving... How can you balance serving and listening to the voice of God in your relationship and walk with him? I think it’s like those who kept heads up while drinking. Still serve, still do as instructed but be aware. Be patient in tune with the Spirit. Be aware and mindful of your surroundings and others. A short way of saying it: be present. No absent minded serving.
What is your perspective this…
What portion of the word came alive to you from this message? Two portions stand out to me in this message: (1) In Luke, learning that the persistent knocking for the needs of others causes God to provide what is needed. It's not that the neighbors were best friends, but it was the persistence and focus that the man without bread continued to knock so that he had something to give the traveler. It challenged me to be more persistent with God about having an answer for those with needs around me. Settling for knocking once, even twice and not having something of substance to give does not have to be the end of the journey...keep knocking! (2) In the story of…
Pastor Aaron, Thank you for a great message. I have heard a ton of "Faith Preachers" preach on this parable and they always ended up applying the knocking for themselves which is why so many received nothing from the Father. The Father is not gong to respond to the selfish knocking to get up and give you what He has already given you if you will just have faith in His Word.
Being in the ministry does not even start until ministers can get past their own desires and realize ministry is always about meeting someone else's need. This is why I have hammered about "What does God want to do in my "harvest field" this week"? Once ministers start…
What portion of the word came alive to you from this message? What came alive to me from this message is the portion of scripture in Luke where the man is knocking. I have never seen before that he wasn’t asking for himself or his family. He was asking for an acquaintance that needed sustenance. That is something I need to do daily, asking for Father for what my acquaintances need, what can He give me to give to them.
Distracted serving…How can you balance serving and listening to the voice of God in your relationship and walk with him? Balancing serving and listening can be a tricky thing when you are called to the ministry of helps. There is…
Thank you Pastor Aaron for this amazing message that was so on time and what the church needed to hear!
What portion of the word came alive to you from this message?
There were two portions of scripture that came alive to me. The first one was regarding the parable of the man knocking on the door of his neighbor asking for bread in order to feed someone who was coming to his house soon. The neighbor did not open the first time so he continued to knock not for food for himself but to serve someone else something to eat when he had nothing. How many times does someone show up on our "door" when we are ou…