"I CAN, I WILL, I STAND, I do believe that I can, I will use the power.
I can, I will, I am the warrior and I'll fight for you, I CAN, I WILL."
How awesome that the Lord, God Himself CAN and WILL use the POWER to fight for you! You must be REALLY important to His mission in the earth! :)

God has spoken that He is doing things in three's this season. I believe the three's are grouped together specifically in certain categories that will be performed in their order.
Here are a few things to discuss:
How would you describe your "comeback?"
How do you feel about Him "MAKING" you a fisher of men and a ruler over many?
What categories of three's do you expect God to do in you?
What was your take-away from what God said through this message?
Thanks for your time! I know all too well it is precious and I expect Him to use His power to redeem it for the benefit of His mission.
1. How would you describe your "comeback?"
-I like what the prophet said- The comeback is gaining momentum! I believe that! I love the picture that was given to us of the arrow being pulled back and it looks like a "setback", but then the arrow springs forward with the momentum that I've needed!
2. How do you feel about Him "MAKING" you a fisher of men and a ruler over many?
-I'm thankful that God is equipping me with what I need to do this, HIS way!
3. What categories of three's do you expect God to do in you?
-Paganism, Preserve, Parable
-Perfecting, Peace, Prayer
4. What was your take-away from what God said through this message?
How would you describe your comeback? Like Amanda mentioned are comeback is stronger. Gosh that brings some assurance! After last year I felt like I failed miserablely. . My focus was shifted to some roadblocks I am truly excited to see what this comeback will bring. God is not one to leave us standing in defeat.
How do you feel about him making you a fisher of men. . I feel blessed! I know I spent a lot of wasteful time trying to do it on my own and coming back with nothing. . I always come back to when they were in the boat fishing all day and was not able to catch anything. Jesus said cast your ne…
How would you describe your "comeback?"Stronger because HE is with me and I am no longer trying to do everything on my own. I'm not trying to "prove", that I can do what He says to do because I found out I cannot without Him. Growing in faith and trust in the Lord and His guidance by His Holy Spirit has been a big part of my comeback as well and still is. If I am not hearing or seeing what He is saying or doing then I take more time and wait (at least most of the time!) because only He really knows what will touch a person's heart and bring change--I've proven time and again that religion does…
How would you describe your "comeback?" First I want to point out how amazing it is that everyone that has commented has come to a position of wanting to take "action" in their world around them.
And I think that is my main point to a "comeback", I love being able to see action being taken and coming to my very hands and feet! Something I have been coming into more understanding over the last couple of years is, God is a God of "ACTION". We see this all through scripture. Yes there is a time of waiting on the Lord, but there is always action. I want to see the fulfillment of the "comeback" from the action that has been…
How would you describe your "comeback?"
Believing in and being redeemed back to the purpose he made me for.
How do you feel about Him "MAKING" you a fisher of men and a ruler over many?
Relieved and thankful because making myself is incomplete and lacks power.
What categories of three's do you expect God to do in you?
People Hood, Power, Presence.
What was your take-away from what God said through this message?
God has an abundance of Help that is strategic in our purpose. His help is not random but what we need to in our own walk to demonstrate what others need to begin their walk.