It Only Took Four Radical Friends to Activate a Miracle!!!
In Mark 2:1-12 We find how easy it is to experience miracles!
Are you waiting to see a miracle, or will you be a radical friend who will activate a miracle?
The setting for the miraculous included people who were gathered to hear the Word of God preached, four radical friends who stopped at nothing to get a person in need to the meeting, and the Power of God that is released when God SEES Faith in action!
I wonder if God has a miracle ready as soon as He sees "Tear the Roof off Faith."
Did Jesus stop teaching because of the interruption or because He finally saw faith?
What stood out to you, on how Jesus addressed the mixed crowd: general, Pharisees, four friends, and paralyzed man individually?
What does it take to be a true radical friend?
Why was this message necessary to become the "Greatest Evangelistic Team in the Region"?
What was your "Aha" Moment?
Looking Forward to Our Discussion.
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/Gx8bbo_eVFI?si=k2PX0wxd05RqVHZp
Rev. Connie, Yes, it is time for the miraculous and that wont happen until people move from talking about it and becoming someone who will stop at nothing to get the job done,
Thank you considering what you can do to "contribute" to the miraculous. It is irritating when some try to draw attention to themselves instead of contributing to the team.
I love it: "Who did you help today?, or for some; Who did you tell how much you know today?
Yes, God is still talking about evangelism and giving us the tools to be an excellent witness of health, wealth, servant hood and love for others so He can release the miraculous.
Great Post
In His Service,
Did Jesus stop teaching because of the interruption or because He finally saw faith? He stopped preaching because He saw faith in someone so that He could move in their life.
What stood out to you, on how Jesus addressed the mixed crowd: general, Pharisees, four friends, and paralyzed man individually? What stood out to me is that He addressed everyone in the waty that they needed to be addressed. I must have the wisdom of God to hear and then say what God says about everyone that I meet.
What does it take to be a true radical friend? It takes being willing to be a servant to your friend, even if you necessarily like that person. It takes…
1. Did Jesus stop teaching because of the interruption or because He finally saw faith?
Because He finally saw faith. Goal achieved. The Word was being preached and taught there by Jesus. #1 ingredient. But it wasn't just for knowledge sake. Really just had to preach till someone had faith to receive. Once He saw faith, He had to stop and pull the trigger in the moment for the miracle.
2. What stood out to you, on how Jesus addressed the mixed crowd: general, Pharisees, four friends, and paralyzed man individually?
For the general/Pharisees, Jesus was still there teaching the Word. Regardless of what their motives for being there was, He still gave them a chance. A chance to have…
These messages that have been coming forth, have been absolutely amazing! Thank you Bishop!
The thing I loved about this message is, Jesus is the Greatest Evangelist of ALL time, and He is perfectly DEMONSTRATING what it means to see Faith and activate a miracle! Jesus was truly impressed by the Faith of the 4 friends and He was moved with compassion! It is amazing what God will do, when we see even little faith and are moved with compassion for people/friends.
What stands out to me every time I read something about Jesus is, He didn't care what anyone else thought or said, when He saw Faith, He felt compassion and moved with the SPIRIT of God and demonstrated…
Thank you, Bishop, for another 4's message that causes us to see beyond where we have and even cause us to want to be one of those 4 friends!
Did Jesus stop teaching because of the interruption or because He finally saw faith? He saw their faith. When you are ministering to people, you can learn to ignore interruptions, or least not give them your attention when that is what they are trying to steal from you. But this was different. This interruption was full of "Tear the roof off faith"! Love that by the way!
What stood out to you, on how Jesus addressed the mixed crowd: general, Pharisees, four friends, and paralyzed man individually? Jesus dealt with ba…