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God chose four men to write His gospel. They had different occupations, different perspectives, and different personalities, giving a complete gospel presentation to whoever reads them.


1. Who were the four men who wrote the gospel?

2. What were their occupations?

3. What were their personalities?

4. What audience did each write to?

5. Explain why it is important to relate to Said, Did, Felt, and Was when witnessing.

6. What are you known for?

7. What was your “Aha” Moment?

I know I have asked several questions, but I believe it is necessary to understand these points to become; “The Greatest Evangelistic Team in the Region!”

Looking forward to our discussion.

In His Service,

Bishop Bill

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Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023

Wow! Definitely brought a whole new experience of the four gospels.

1 Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

2 Matthew was a tax collector

Mark was a Educator

Luke was a Physician

John was a Fisherman

3 Matthew was a Rationalist- He talked about what Jesus said.

Mark was a Artisan He talked about what Jesus did.

Luke Caregiver, Guardian He talked about what Jesus felt.

John Idealist He talked about what Jesus was "Son of God".

4 Matthew- Jews

Mark - Gentile

Luke - Greeks

John - to all people

5 it is important because people take and things in hear things in a different level and aspect. Just had Jesus used parables it was so that people could understand…

Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023
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Hi Stephanie, Great statement: "it is important because people take things in, hear things in a different level and aspect. Just as Jesus used parables it was so that people could understand the kingdom. That's how our testimonies and our witnesses he will reach other people because it will show them the word becoming life in their life in a way that they could take it and move with it.

Yes, Luke was not sympathetic but he was compassionate. The world understands sympathy but only a Christian can understand true compassion: And Jesus was moved with :compassion"

Great Post!

In His Service,

Bishop Bill


Unknown member
Nov 16, 2023

1. Who were the four men who wrote the gospel?

1. Matthew

2. Mark

3. Luke

4. John

2. What were their occupations?

1. Tax collector

2. Educator/interpreter

3. Physician

4. Fisherman

3. What were their personalities?

1. Ratonalist/analytical

2. Artisian/craftsman

3. Caregiver/guardian

4. Idealist/let's just get at it 😜

4. What audience did each write to?

1. Jews

2. Gentile converts

3. Theophilus/greeks

4. All people

5. Explain why it is important to relate to Said, Did, Felt, and Was when witnessing.

-it brings your personal... This is what God has done in my life

---??? Not sure I really get this one 😬🙁

I will go read all your answers 😛❤️

6. What are you known for?


Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023
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Amen Sheri. I too was blessed by the question "Who did you help today?" I asked that question to the men at Born Again Men this past Wednesday morning and it brought out quite a response/silence coming from people. It got them thinking about someone else other than themselves...


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2023

Who were the four who wrote the gospel?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,

What were their occupations?

Matthew a tax collector,

Mark stenographer/disciple

Luke a Physician

John a fisherman

What were their personalities?

Matthew was a accurate record keeper. He knew the human heart of the Jewish people. And he was loyal to Jesus Luke was a humble person and did not want attention drawn to him Mark was likely a D-assertive as his gospel was the shortest out of the other three disciples John at times had temper problems and would be quick to lash out of people.

What audience did each write to?

Matthew wrote to the Jews

Mark Gentile Converts

Luke Greco -Roman's

John did not focus on…

Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023
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Enjoyed reading your post John.

I liked your statement about us needing to personalize what Jesus said, did, and was when witnessing "I think when witnessing to people it is important to relate to the issues to the people we are witnessing to so using the words Did, Felt, personalize us to people"


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2023

Wow! eye opener! Thanks Bishop for all the study to bring to us effective ways to minister to people.

1. Who were the four men who wrote the gospel?

Matthew - Lion, Mark - Ox, Luke - Man, John - Eagle

2. What were their occupations?

Matthew - Tax Collector, Mark - Investigator/Interpreter, Luke - Physician, John - Fisherman

3. What were their personalities?

Matthew - analytical, wordy, focused on what Jesus said, talked about the Kingdom, presented Jesus as King Mark - servant, not into the details, just get ur done, an eye witness, talked about what Jesus did, presented Jesus as a servant Luke - humanitarian, empathic, considered the feelings of others, focused on what Jesus felt, presented Jesus…

Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023
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Great post. What really blessed me about your post was your breakdown of why we need the "somes;"

- We need some Matthews who will get the roar back in the Church.

- We need some Marks who will focus on the miraculous.

- We need some Lukes who will report we have answers for mankind and their issues.

- We need some Johns who will go to the crowds and prepare people for eternity.

This really ministered to me and got me thinking no wonder we need to know what people need saved from in order to effectively minister to people through the 4 personalities of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2023

1. Who were the four men who wrote the gospel? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

2. What were their occupations? Matthew - Tax collector, Mark - craftsman, Luke - physician, John - fisherman

3. What were their personalities?Matthew - Rationalist - presenting what Jesus said, Jesus as King. Mark - Artisan - presenting what Jesus did, Jesus as servant. Luke - presenting what Jesus felt, Jesus as a man. John - presenting what Jesus was, Jesus as the Son of God.

4. What audience did each write to? Matthew - to the Jews, Mark - to Gentile converts, Luke - to the Greeks, particularly to a man of influence among them, John - to all.

5. Explain why it is important…

Unknown member
Nov 17, 2023
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I am in agreement with Rev. Connie and Bishop about your statement "I want to be known for being willing to serve. Being real. For being one who gives time and attention when no one else will. I tear up at the hope of someone being able to say “he’s the one who introduced me to God.”

Amen and Amen. This hope is what the church needs to have. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

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