God created us in His Image, and His Plan for us is to be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish, Subdue, and Have Dominion.
The Devil came to steal the blessing, but Jesus Shed His blood 7 Times to recover, repair, and restart the plan and blessing.
Understanding the Seven places and the seven areas of our life that need to be redeemed in order to walk in the full blessing is absolutely necessary.
What were the seven places Jesus shed blood in His body?
What do those seven places symbolize?
Why is a change in these areas necessary to restart the blessing in our lives?
Which area do you need the blood applied to, and why?
What was your "aha moment" in the message?
Looking forward to our discussion!
In His Service,
Bishop Bill
What were the seven places Jesus shed blood in his body?
Forehead, face,head, back, hands,feet, side,
What do the seven places symbolize?
Forehead- wilpower, head - peace
Face - humility back- healing
Hands - prosperity - feet dominion
Side - multiply
Why is a change nessessary to restart the blessing in our lives?
Well for me realizing that the life God has blessed us with is a true blessing and how important it's is meant to be shared with people and love and he gives us a chance to change hopefully it's for the better my change needs to come from my mental or head voices in which ones are the ones guiding me to prosper and the ones that…
What were the seven places Jesus shed blood in His body?
What do those seven places symbolize?
Answers to 1&2
Forehead - Will power
Face - Humility
Head - Peace
Back - Healing
Hands - Prosperity
Feet - Dominion
Side - Multiply
Why is a change in these areas necessary to restart the blessing in our lives?
This change is so necessary, because if we apply last Torah teaching, we should take an account of our lives and see what is working and not working. Just like Mrs. Carnat said, she was seeing only getting healed a percentage, not being whole. I have experienced the same thing, after touching the Talet last Sunday, my tail bone was partially healed, bu…
Forehead – willpower (his will/my will)
Face - humility
Head - peace, mind of Christ
Back - healing
Hands - blessing
Feet - dominion
Side - multiplication
Why is a change in these areas necessary to restart the blessing in our lives?
Change in these areas is necessary to restart the blessing in the purpose that God gave us in Genesis 1: to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion.
Which area do you need the blood applied to, and why?
Specifically in this season I need and desire the blood to be applied to my hands, feet, and side. Bishop mentioned during the message that sick are healed with your hands, and snakes can be handled when the…
1, 2
Forehead - willpower
Face - humility
Head - peace, mind of Christ
Back - healing
Hands - prosperity
Feet - dominion
Side - multiplication
Changes in these areas are necessary to restart Gods blessing because that’s what enables us to do our part in His original plan. Be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion. The change from the blood applied removes the curse and allows us to get back to our purpose. Have to overcome the enemy to restart and the blood applied is step #1 for that.
I need the blood applied to willpower. To resist temptation (mostly the temptation of laziness) and to choose His perfect will. Time and again has shown my weakness of…
Thank you for sharing this message in a whole new perspective!
1 what are the seven places Jesus shed blood in his body?
1 forehead
2 face
3 head
4 back
5 hands
6 feet
7 side
2 what do those seven places symbolize?
1 forehead - willpower
2 face - humility
3 head - peace
4 back - healing
5 hands - prosperity
6 feet - dominion
7 side - multiply
3 why is the change in these areas necessary to restart the blessing?
Because without the sheddings of blood there would be no effective way to the blessing. God does have a perfect design and purpose but it's his design and purpose! It is not focused on what…