Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
God regarded Moses as His friend because Moses became a companion, associate, and partner in God's plan to restore the relationship between the children of Israel and God.
Moses consistently heard God’s voice clearly as he carried out God’s instructions to free His people and the power to do so.
Moses, Abraham, and Jesus exemplified true friendship with God by dedicating themselves to their Father's work of leading others to a relationship with Almighty God.
If you will become a friend OF God, You will have a friend IN God.
Moses brought the children of Israel to the mountain to hear God’s voice, but they were afraid and, therefore, missed the opportunity to become friends with God. Explain how you and others have missed the opportunity to be God’s Friend.
God tells Moses that He will honor His promise of taking the people to the promised land but would not go with them because they were a “Stiff-necked People.” Explain why being “Stiff-necked” is a sin worse than other sins and causes God not to be with you or call you His friend.
Jesus said you are my friends if you do what I command you. Jn 15:14-15. We have been great servants (The greatest ministry of helps team), but now is the time to be friends. Explain why this is better.
Looking Forward to Our Discussion,
In His Service,
Bishop Bill