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Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.


God regarded Moses as His friend because Moses became a companion, associate, and partner in God's plan to restore the relationship between the children of Israel and God.

Moses consistently heard God’s voice clearly as he carried out God’s instructions to free His people and the power to do so.


Moses, Abraham, and Jesus exemplified true friendship with God by dedicating themselves to their Father's work of leading others to a relationship with Almighty God.

If you will become a friend OF God, You will have a friend IN God.



Moses brought the children of Israel to the mountain to hear God’s voice, but they were afraid and, therefore, missed the opportunity to become friends with God. Explain how you and others have missed the opportunity to be God’s Friend.


God tells Moses that He will honor His promise of taking the people to the promised land but would not go with them because they were a “Stiff-necked People.” Explain why being “Stiff-necked” is a sin worse than other sins and causes God not to be with you or call you His friend.


Jesus said you are my friends if you do what I command you. Jn 15:14-15. We have been great servants (The greatest ministry of helps team), but now is the time to be friends. Explain why this is better.

Looking Forward to Our Discussion,


In His Service,

Bishop Bill



Unknown member
Jan 17

Explain how you and others have missed the opportunity to be God’s Friend.

-"loving" Him in our minds but not showing it-no works-no real communication

-not talking to/listening for Him ourself... But wanting or maybe it's a wrong understanding that a "Moses" has to do it for us.

Can't be a true friend when communication is only through a middle man 😔

Explain why being “Stiff-necked” is a sin worse than other sins and causes God not to be with you or call you His friend.

-knowing God and His power but choosing to not allow it to change us 😐

Sin is missing the mark, stiffnecked is my aim doesn't need any improvement, even though it blew by the…

Unknown member
Jan 17
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Hi Sheri, Great answer: "Loving Him in our minds but not showing it-no-words-no real communication." Another great statement: You can't be a true friend when communication is only through a middleman

Great Post



Unknown member
Jan 16

The relationship with God is sometimes touted as what's in it for me. What can God do for me? He can save me, he can heal me, he can fix me, he can get me the things I want and so our approach to God is a self-improvement approach. 

Whereas a friendship is not sold as such it's something that mutually benefits both and both are improved and strengthened and encouraged and given to.  One tries to give more than the other. 

Not as a competition but to cause the other to feel as though you have gone and done above and beyond so that if ever a moment you were in need you know that they would be someone…

Unknown member
Jan 17
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Hi Pastor Aaron, Yes, our first approach to God is a "self-improvement approach" great statement. I love your statement; Servanthood is the embodiment of fully wanting to honestly obey God and do what he commands us to do.  Friendship goes beyond that because we understand the purpose and what he's doingAnd you sum it up nicely with "We feel the heartbeat and the full scope of God's dream, his vision we share in it. We share in the victory we share in the battle and we experience the victory with him together.  Friendship is truly knowing him and being confident that we know his character and what he would do.

Great post



Unknown member
Jan 15
  1. There have been times where I've been slacking in his word . Not making time for him. Just thinking about time . Than realizing the Father is hear. Than it's the Gut check. Asking the Father forgiveness. All the Father what's is a friend and a son to talk to and listen to. He has said that he isn't going anywhere. What a friend we have in the Father and his son.

  1. Sometimes we get to distracted that we forget to talk to God. Then when we talk to him. We don't know on what to say or listen to him . We're thinking about our selfs. Instead of out Father. We let things get in the way

  2. Because we…

Unknown member
Jan 17
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Hi Kevin, I love you statement: All the Father what's is a friend and a son to talk to and listen to. He has said that he isn't going anywhere. What a friend we have in the Father and his son.

Great Post



Unknown member
Jan 15

Moses brought the children of Israel to the mountain to hear God's voice, but they were afraid and therefore missed the opportunity to become come friends with God. Explain how you and others have missed the opportunity to be God's friend.

I have let several missed opportunities keep myself from the next opportunity because I was deweling on it for tolong and that's all it takes for me have a spiral down fall. I don't want to become familiar with God's grace that I miss the moments when he is knocked at my door.

God tells Moses that he will honor his promises of taking people to the promise land but would not go with them because they were stiff-necked…

Unknown member
Jan 17
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Well to us all in BAM Sandusky and of course BAM, PA


Unknown member
Jan 15

Explain how you and others have missed the opportunity to be God’s Friend.

God's intent was to speak one on one with everyone He called. But, like the Israelites, I've missed that opportunity out of fear of what I have to give up. Even as a "little" thing as my time. Encouraged to look back at the tree and see how much it's grown... my lifestyle has changed over the years, growing toward Him. But He draws deeper still, to face to face. Giving Him my time, no fear of loss or what will come of it. (Really He's the one who gave me "my" days anyway). In the time I give Him is the time I grow. Don't want…

Unknown member
Jan 17
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Hi Nate, I love plain reason why people miss being God's friend: God's intent was to speak one on one with everyone He called. But, like the Israelites, I've missed that opportunity out of fear of what I have to give up. Even as a "little" thing as my time.

Excellent summary: The servant has to constantly be told what to do or they wont move. The friend of God still obeys, but has caught the Lord's heart.

Great post


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